OGMS Weekly Newsletter for the week of Nov. 18th to 22nd/ boletin semanal Hello, please read our weekly newsletter/ favor de leer nuestro boletin semanal.
Weekly Newsletter for Nov. 11th to 15th Hello, please read our weekly newsletter. Favor de leer nuestro boletin semanal.
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for the week of Oct. 28th to Nov. 1st Hello,Please read our weekly newsletter.
OGMS Cross Country Meet at Hillsdale Middle School on Oct. 23rd Hello,Attached are the results from our Cross Country runners that participated on October 23rd.
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for Oct. 21st to 25th/ Boletin semanal Please read our weekly newsletter for the week of Oct. 21st to 25th.
OGMS Spirit Week Oct. 28th to Nov. 1st Hello OGMS families, remind your students to have fun and participate in our Spirit Week, view the attached sheet with the Spirit Day theme for each day of the week, starting Monday Oct. 28th.
Willy Wonka Jr. Come see the Willy Wonka Jr. school play, at JES. Two shows, November 14th and November 15th at 6:00 p.m. see the attached flyer for more details.
OGSM Weekly Newsletter for the week of Oct. 14th - 18th/ Boletin Semanal Hello, please read our Weekly Newsletter.Favor de leer nuestro boletin semanal.