Oak Grove Middle School Home
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6th Grade Camp Starts
Location: 6th Grade Camp at Camp Cuyamaca.
School Board Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM
Principal's Message
News & Announcements
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for Week of Oct. 7th to 11th/ Boletin semanal
Please read our Weekly Newsletter/ Favor de leer nuestro boletin semanal.
OGMS Cross Country Competition Dates
Our OGMS Cross Country runners will be participating in weekly Meets, attached is a copy of the dates and times for October.
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for Week of 9/30 to 10/4/24- Boletin Semanal
Please read our weekly newsletter for the week of Sept. 30 to Oct. 4th.
JES Movie in the Moonlight and Family Campout
JES Family Night! Friday 10/11/24
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for week of Sept. 23rd to 27th
Please read our weekly newsletter. Favor de leer nuestro boletin semanal.