Oak Grove Middle School Home
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East County School Leadership - Sunrise Award

Camp Cuyamaca

Pajama Day

Twin Day

Students of the Month

Principal's Message
News & Announcements

OGMS Weekly Newsletter/ boletin semanal
Please read our weekly newesletter.

Parenting Classes at Oak Grove Middle School/ Taller para padres en Oak Grove
Please sign up for our parenting classes offered at Oak Grove Middle School, click on the link to access the informational flyer.
Favor de incribirse a los talleres para padres en Oak Grove Middle School. Haga clic en el enlace para ver el folleto de informativo.
Favor de incribirse a los talleres para padres en Oak Grove Middle School. Haga clic en el enlace para ver el folleto de informativo.

Introducing LINQ Connect for School Related Payments/ Presentando LINQ para pagos escolares
We would like to inform you about LINQ Connect, this is the new payment system used at our district and school to pay for any fees or purchases. Nos gustarĂa informarle sobre LINQ Connect, este es el nuevo sistema de pago utilizado en nuestro distrito y escuela para pagar cualquier tarifa o compra.

OGMS Weekly Newsletter for Feb. 3th to 7th/ Boletin Semanal
Please read our weekly newsletter/ favor de leer nuestro boletin semanal.

OGMS Weekly Newsletter for Jan. 27th- 31st/ Boletin Semanal
Please read our weekly newsletter.