Parent/Teacher Conferences, March 11th -15th, Sign Up Today/ Conferencias de padres y maestros, agenda tu cita hoy. Please schedule your conferences online through the parent portal ParentVue. click on the link below to access ParentVueFavor de agendar sus conferencias por medio de la pagina de ParentVue, haz clic en el enlace de abajo
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for the week of Feb. 26th to March 1st/ Boletin semanal Hello,Please read our weekly newsletter.Favor de leer nuestro boletín semanal.
School Climate Survey/ Encuesta de clima escolar Please read the attached letter of information in reference to the School Climate Survey. Click on the link to complete the survey before february 29, 2024.Favor de leer la carta adjunta referente a la encuesta de clima escolar, haz click en el enlace para completar la encuesta.
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for Week of June 10th -12th/ Boletin semanal Please read our weekly newsletter/ favor de leer nuestro boletin semanl.
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for June 3rd to 7th/ Boletin Semanal Please read our weekly newsletter for next week, June 3rd to 7th/ Favor de leer nuestro boletín semanal de la proxima semana.
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for May 20th/Boletin Semanal Please read our weekly newsletter/ favor de leer nuestro boletin semanal
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for May 13th - 17th/Boletin semanal Please read our weekly newsletter/ favor de leer nuestro boletín de la semana
OGMS Weekly Newsletter for Week of April 29th/ Boletin semanal Please read our weekly newsletter for the week of April 29th - May 3rd.