Oak Grove Middle School
Weekly Newsletter
Sept. 2nd - 6th
Hello Oak Grove Parents/Guardians,
We hope you enjoy your three day Labor Day weekend. Remember, there is no school on Monday Sept. 2nd.
Back to School Night is on Thursday Sept. 5th. Come and meet your child’s teachers, hear about our curriculum, and about our plan for a very exciting and successful year! An informational flier was sent home with your students today and we sent out an email and text with information about our back to school night. Click on the following link for details, Back to School Night. We hope to see you there!
Most students have received their Chromebook by now, they will receive it no later than early next week. Please make sure the Chromebook Protections Plan form has not been completed and returned to the school office. If you need this form please click on the following link Chromebook Protection Plan Form.
Guidelines for Chromebook Use:
- Keep them in their protective cases at all times
- Use only in the classroom and library
- Keep them clean - No stickers and No writing on them
- Bring them charged to school every morning
- Do not share passwords
- Use only for school related work/assignments
Attn. 6th grade parents:
- Don’t forget there is an Open House at Cuyamaca Outdoor School on Sept. 7th. This is a great opportunity to learn what this program is all about. Click on this link for more information: Camp Cuyamaca Open House.
- 6th grade camp will be at Cuyamaca Outdoor School and will take place the week of Oct. 7th through 11th. More information will follow, an informational flier will be sent home with all 6th grade students.
- Please send students with a water bottle to school. Only individual size please, no water gallons allowed. Hydration stations are available at school for refills, students are not to use the hydration stations to wash their hands or face.
- Please remind your students that they should always feel safe in school and our school district has the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System. Here is the link Say Something. Students have access to this link through their school chromebook.
Mark your calendar:
- Sept. 16 - 20- Parent/Teacher/Student conference week. We follow a Minimum Day schedule all week and dismissal will be at 1:00 p.m. Parents will have the opportunity to schedule their conferences with teachers via ParentVue. The scheduling calendar will open on September 5th.
Have a wonderful weekend!